the morning you will see..
lift up your cross and follow close to me.."
It sucks when you're composed and clear-headed in public,
but can't restrain your own emotions in private.
" Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. "
1 Corinthians 11:1
"Please stop it!!!"Seeing your mischievous smile, I know You won’t heed my plea.
“I’ll be drenched!” was my hopeless appeal.You turned me around to face You.
“Shhh..Everything’s alright. I’m here. Stay where I AM.“
“What’s the point of hiding from the rain when you have just been invited to be soaked in happiness?”
Then shall ye call upon
me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you.Jeremiah 29:12
Don't let anything,(even good things)other than the Holy Spirit of God control you.
Busyness in the ministry doesn't equate with godliness, nor does it count toward your personal communion with God.
God isn't pleased with how much we've done in the ministry, but how much we've loved. How much of your work was done by a heart in love with Jesus Christ?
Spiritual Discipline 5
Though you say it with your mouth, you don't really believe you are weak when there's no daily demonstration of dependence that you refuse to move an inch unless you've met first with God in the Word and in prayer.
Spiritual Discipline 6:
Call not yourself a good Christian when you can't even act Christlike as a parent, child, sister, or brother before those who see your life at home.