( PP: Personal Photo)
Spiritual discipline 1: <1 Cor. 6:12>
Don't let
anything,(even good things)other than the Holy Spirit of God control you.
Spiritual discipline 2:<Matt. 6:7-13>
Worshipers of different Eastern religions pray
that they'll be blessed and to have peace. How do your prayers differ from them?
Spiritual Discipline 3: <Luke 10:38-42>
Busyness in the ministry doesn't equate with godliness, nor does it count toward your personal communion with God.
Spiritual Discipline 4, Psalm 78: 35–37
God isn't pleased with how much we've done in the ministry, but how much we've loved. How much of your work was done by a heart in love with Jesus Christ?
Spiritual Discipline 5
Though you say it with your mouth, you don't really believe you are weak when there's no daily demonstration of dependence that you refuse to move an inch unless you've met first with God in the Word and in prayer.
Spiritual Discipline 6:
Call not yourself a good Christian when you can't even act Christlike as a parent, child, sister, or brother before those who see your life at home.
Spiritual Discipline 7:
Be careful not to depend on books or men for your knowledge of God. No Christian has secondhand knowledge of Christ; only firsthand.
Spiritual Discipline 8:
Be careful not to attribute all things as works of the Holy Spirit. Test everything in the Word.
Spiritual Discipline 9:
Once you've known the beauty and sweetness of an intimacy with Christ, you will never settle for the spiritual emptiness of a complacent relationship with Him
(List would be updated as I progress in my walk with Jesus.)
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