


Kissed by You

I was hesitant to go for a walk with You. The gloomy sky was not encouraging.

Furthermore, I felt rain droplets. I was about to step back but You held my hand. With a sigh, I obliged.

I asked You to hold back the rain for me. Few steps, more steps, and then few more until I reached our haven. The wind was a little harsh and it’s freezing my bones. I offered a short prayer to our Father in heaven then sat down. I couldn’t think well with all the blows I’m receiving from the wind. Consequently, I lay down and stared at the cloudy firmament, mind blank and body still.

My eyes widen when I realized You cleared the clouds. I watched two birds chased each other.

As if that wasn’t enough to cheer me up, You brought the sun from the east with all its golden rays. I no longer felt cold. With eyes closed and a smile, I basked in Your presence. No one could color my world better than You.



The lover and the Beloved VI

" I sleep, but my heart waketh: it is the voice of my beloved that knocketh,saying, Open to me, my sister, my love, my dove, my undefiled: for my head is filled with dew. and my locks with the drops of the night." ~ Song of Solomon 5:2 ~

" I opened to my beloved; but my beloved had withdrawn himself, and was gone: my soul failed when he spake: I sought him,but I could not find him; I called him, but he gave me no answer."
~ Song of Solomon 5:6 ~

My Prince,
How I'm easily consumed by my flesh! How it whines for earthly comforts! Nonetheless, I have to fight to keep a passionate heart for You. Help me for I can't do it on my own strength. Getting addicted to earthly pleasures is easy but please, be my obsession instead. As brother Paul Washer said; " my magnificent obsession."


The Lover and the Beloved (V)

         " A garden enclosed is my sister, my spouse; a spring shut up, a fountain sealed."
{Song of Solomon 4:12}

 My Prince,

I am Yours even before the foundation of the world. I was rebellious and elusive. I kept running away from You. However, a valiant man that You are, You sought me out. I was held captive by the dragon, locked into the darkness. You fought for my freedom, and it cost Your life. You died for me..........

That reduced me to tears. How beautiful is Your love that won't let go!

Nevertheless, You specialize in happy endings. You arose victoriously from death. You are life, my life. Let me be shut in You. I will prosper as a garden and from my belly flow the well-spring of life. I will also bear fruits for Your enjoyment as I do to You.

( John 7:38-39, Song of Solomon 5:1, Galatians 5:22-23)

The Lover and the Beloved ( IV)

" Thou hast ravished my heart, my sister,my spouse: thou hast ravished my heart with one of   thine eyes,with one chain of thy neck."
          [Song of Solomon 4:9]

My Prince,

 How You delight in me! It pleased me to hear Your heart throbbing each time I lift up my eyes upon You. Never hide Your face from me for it's my heart's joy to behold it. No matter what, I wouldn't trade these intimate moments with anything that the world offers. I will stand to protect our love above any earthly relationships. Why! It's my most beautiful experience and there would be no such other thing to outshine it.

The Lover and the Beloved (III)

" Thy lips are like a thread of scarlet, and thy speech is comely:
thy temples are like a piece of  pomegranate within thy locks."      
{Song of Solomon 4:3}

(googled photo)

My Prince,

The words that I speak are Yours. It gives life to anyone who hears it. It brings joy and comfort to the lonely. I hid them in my heart that I may not stray away from You. For a life without You is miserable.
(John 6:63,Psalm 119:11)


The Lover and the Beloved (II)

      " Thou art all fair my love, there is no blemish in thee."
                           {Song of Solomon 4:7}

My Prince,

How humble of You, the most honorable of all to wash my feet. I was not worthy of Your affections yet You showered me with Your love holding nothing back. Not only that I'm cleansed from the inside out, You tenderly ministered to my daily purification through Your Word and Spirit. I'm deeply humbled by the realization that I'm personally tended by the Prince of Peace. I may never match Your great love( for You love me more than I can comprehend) yet will I love You in return both now and throughout eternity.                                                         (John 13:4-5)


The Lover and the Beloved

"Behold, thou art fair, my love; behold thou art fair; thou hast doves' eyes within thy locks: thy hair is as a flock of goats, that appear from mount Gilead."
[Song of Solomon 4;1]

(googled photo)

My Prince,

Just as the goats' hair shine at sunset so am I radiant before your eyes. The time I stepped into your light, all my filthiness were exposed. You cleansed me by the washing of Your precious blood and I was made white as snow. You clothed me with Your righteousness so now I am comely. Therefore, I became Yours and You sanctified me for Yourself. The time is near when You will present me to the Father. I won't be ashamed for You will present me having no spot nor wrinkle. All of heavens will see me in Your Divine holiness and without blemish.
(Ephesians 5:23-27)

A Walk with my Jesus

I went with Jesus for a walk in His garden. The scene was spectacular. I merrily poured out my delight over the beautiful flowers and in chasing butterflies. Jesus was pleased to see me happy.  I noticed he was staring lovingly at a flower. As I approached Him, I noticed a stunning lily in bloom. I was awe-struck and couldn't speak.

"Isn't she lovely?" He asked.

I nodded without taking my eyes off the lily.

"My darling, you are the lily." He smiled sweetly.

That threw me into confusion.

"That's impossible! I can't be as pretty as this lily. You know me. In sin did my mother conceive me (Psalm 51:6b), so I lived a filthy life. How gracious of you, the most beautiful of all, to look away from yourself and see my ugliness. You can't stand it because you are of purer eyes than to behold evil and can't look on iniquity (Habakkuk 1:3a). But grace upon grace, You stretched forth Your arm, drew me near, cleansed me, and I became Yours. "Yet, Lord, I can't be likened to the beauty of this lily, regardless of the good works I've done in Your name." I protested.

Jesus smiled and lovingly answered;

"Dearest, you really are as beautiful as this lily. "That is the reason I can look at you with love."

"I'm afraid I don't understand," was my baffled response.

He then patiently explained.

"The moment you were born again by my Spirit through your faith in Me, we became one. I see myself in you, and you are in me. "You weren't only cleansed by My blood; My beauty clothed your whole being too."

Those dear words engulfed my heart. Tears of joy well my eyes. Despite the lump in my throat, I heard myself say;
"What a tremendous blessing I have in You, Lord Jesus Christ!" 

He charmingly smiled then stroked the lily's petals, but his gaze was fixed on me.

"As the lily among the thorns, so are you among the daughters" (SS 2:2). Do not listen to the voice of the world yelling at you to conform to their standards. Be not afraid of anything, for I have redeemed you for myself. I have called you by your name. You are mine (Isa. 43:1b). "Delight in me, and I will give you the desires of your heart (Psalm 37:4)."


Those words in my ears were music, and honey to my taste. Should I not have been spiritually strengthened, I may have lost my mind. It's so intoxicating! Seeing my bewilderment, he extended his hand and spoke softly;

"Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away" (SS 2:13). 

I smiled and clasped his hands. With a silent prayer, I thanked our Father for sending my Prince to rescue me from the cruel master, a.k.a Sin. With Him, my heart is safe.

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