


As I follow Him..

  " Be ye followers of me, even as I also am of Christ. "
 1 Corinthians 11:1

Follow me...
I believe that means to see what God has done and is doing in my life. You'll still see many imperfections, but He'll surely polish all those. After you have set your eyes on this one handiwork of His, look at Him - my Maker and Designer Who is consistently doing a work in my life.


Help me..

...become the woman I see in Your eyes.

..not what men thought of me..
..not what well-meaning people expect me to be..

Lord, I just want to be defined by You.


I Can't Imagine Me Without Your Love...

Reminiscing the times I've wandered around and tried hard to ditch the 'stigma of close association' with You only to end up in Your embrace-ever accepting and forgiving and understanding.

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