



" faithful weary pilgrim,
the morning you will see..
lift up your cross and follow close to me.."

Singing in halts..
 Tear-filled eyes.. 
 I plod my way down the mountain.

This is just the beginning of God's call to servant hood.
Heartbroken, I didn't think twice to retreat...
Away from the crowd and all the noise..

Needed to, and have to..

Thing is, I couldn't be fully myself while ministering..

The weight of self-denial starts to wear me down..

It sucks when you're composed and clear-headed in public,
but can't restrain your own emotions in private.

Refusing self-vindication, hard as it is, isn't that big of a sacrifice
compared with what was done in the Calvary.

However, it's healthy to be away for some time..
..away with Him in secret..

.. in a place where you could just freely cry
 and pour your heart out.

It's alright...
..just be yourself now..
He listens..
He knows..


Once Upon A Time....

Missing... childhood days. So simple. So carefree.
Once upon a time, there was a little girl who didn't want to grow up and get old. 
Air castles were built, and she explored many magical worlds.
When hurt, she finds refuge in the company of her secret friends.
And with her pen, she created printed pictures of life—both the beautiful and the ugly. 

Once upon a time, there was a young girl who was naive,
 but didn't want whatever innocence she had left disturbed. 
When someone tries to pump her budding emotions out,
She'd run like a gazelle and hide.
Once upon a time, there was a blossoming girl left in the open. 
She desperately sought protection from anyone who'd care.
Once upon a time, menfolk obliviously broke her heart.
Obsessed with their own feelings , they forgot hers.
(It's hard & painful when they want her to be someone she can never be.)
Once upon a time, there was a flourishing girl who was caught in the intersections of life.
Well-meaning people attempted to define her life and future being. 
There'd be times she'd want to cover her ears from all the voices, 
but she knew that as long as she was breathing, they wouldn't go away.
Once upon a time, there was a girl drifting into uncertainty. 
She ought to be like this, or that, and confusion clouded her. 
In this ridiculous mess, the Man drew her out. 
In Him she found who she really was.
Finally, her heart came home..
Him- her glorious end.

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