O God, Who hast filled us with yearnings of an infinite desire, longings insatiable, groanings that cannot be uttered;- Who providest for us here beauty and joy beset with pangs, that our eyes and ears may fail after that which they have not seen or heard, and our heart sicken with hope deferred while we conceive not that which we wait for:- O God, Whom not having seen we love, and know for that which not knowing we desire, bring us home to Thee; each of us, all of us, from any height or depth, at any time, with or without anything or all things; only bring us, ourselves, our very selves, all ourselves, to Thine own Presence which is our home, bring us home one with another, all home to Thee. By Him who is our Way and our Door, Thy Son our only hope, Jesus Christ. Amen.
~'Called to be Saints' by Christina Rosetti~
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