

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Lord Jesus, I Worship Thee

Lord, when I cannot adore
Thee in knowledge, in ignorance I will adore Thee.

(photo from google)
Lord Jesus, Thou art God, Alone Supreme in absolute
Supremacy. As God I worship Thee.

Thou art Man, Whose is the Human Name supreme above
every name, that at the Name of Jesus every knee should bow.
As Man I worship Thee.

Thou hast created all things, and without Thee was not any
thing made that was made. As Creator I worship Thee.

Thou hast become Man, and hast taken the Manhood into
God indissolubly forever and ever. As the Firstborn of every
creature I worship Thee. ,

Thou art the Wisdom of God Whom He possessed in the
beginning of His way. As the Divine Wisdom I worship

Thou hast made Thyself man's wisdom. As my only Hope
of wisdom I worship Thee.

Thou art the Word, God and with God. As the Divine Word
I worship Thee.

Thou art the Word speaking to us as never man spake. As
my Teacher of absolute authority I worship Thee.

Thou art the Lord Who hath declared : My ways are
not your ways. Having a good hope because of Thy word I
worship Thee.

Thou art the Way whereby alone man cometh unto the
Father. A wayfarer liable to error, beseeching safeguard, I
worship Thee.

Thou art the King of Heaven, all Whose works are truth. I,
a little one among Thy works, worship Thee.

Thou art the Truth : in Thee mercy and truth are met
together, kindness and truth are shown forth. In the paths of
Thy mercy and of Thy truth I worship Thee.

Thou art the Living God into Whose hands it is a fearful
thing to fall. Yet calling to remembrance the former days,
to-day while it is called to-day I worship Thee.

Thou art the Life. Thou Who hadst power to lay Thy Life
down and power to take it again, Who art Life manifested, and
Who givest Thy flesh for the life of the world, I worship

O Thou Who hearest prayer, and unto Whom all flesh shall
come, draw all my brethren and all my sisters and myself
not outcast from their gracious company, to worship Thee.

( from "The Face of the Deep" by Christina Rossetti )


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