I am but a beggar and everything in my hands are Yours. (1 Cor. 4:7)
My brain is Yours, let it think great thoughts about You. ( Rom. 12:2)
My eyes are Yours, let it continually behold Your beauty. ( Psalm 27:4, Isa. 33:17)
My lips are Yours, let it speak Your truth. ( Pro. 8:7)
My ears are Yours, let it hear Your still small voice. (Deut. 4:36, Ps. 95:7)
My heart is Yours, let it beat for the things that You love. ( Eze. 11:19, 36:26)
My hands are Yours, let it do works of righteousness. ( 1 Cor. 4:12, 1 Th. 4:11)
Only make me not bring myself with its prejudices and self- preservation. Rather,carry me, clothed in Your grace, mercy and unconditional love, to the place where You will seek my lost brothers and sisters.
While it is true that to be in 'mission is merely an opportunity to die' ( Amy Carmichael), my life, however, is not what they needed but You, O Lord.
Go before me in all Your glory, beauty, and majesty. I can't win the war without You. The battle is Yours. ( Sam. 17:47)
((photo from tumblr)
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